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This is a tutorial for the BiomaesteR package, an R package with convenience functions commonly requested in various types of genomic analysis within R. This package is specialized to provide bioinformatics infrastructure that can be used in a variety of genomic analysis.

Load packages

Bundled Data Objects

In this section, we will explore and use the bundled data objects that come with the BiomaesteR package. Note that raw data and data comilation scripts are also included within this package. The documentation for bunlded objects can be found here. As for the data comilation, this script can be found here.

What Is Inlcuded?

First, let’s take a look at the data objects that are included in the BiomaesteR. The following objects are as of now included in the package:

Dataset Exploration

Now, let’s take a look at the first few rows of the gene coordinates for the GRCh37 assembly.

kable(gene_coordinates_grch37[1:5, ], "html") %>% 
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
chrom start end width strand type tag ccds_id ensembl_gene_id hugo_symbol source score gene_version gene_source gene_biotype transcript_id transcript_version transcript_name transcript_source transcript_biotype exon_number exon_id exon_version protein_id protein_version
1 11869 14412 2544
gene NA NA ENSG00000223972 DDX11L1 ensembl_havana NA 4 ensembl_havana pseudogene NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1 14363 29806 15444
gene NA NA ENSG00000227232 WASH7P ensembl_havana NA 4 ensembl_havana pseudogene NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1 29554 31109 1556
gene NA NA ENSG00000243485 MIR1302-10 ensembl_havana NA 2 ensembl_havana lincRNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1 34554 36081 1528
gene NA NA ENSG00000237613 FAM138A ensembl_havana NA 2 ensembl_havana lincRNA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1 52473 54936 2464
gene NA NA ENSG00000268020 OR4G4P ensembl_havana NA 2 ensembl_havana pseudogene NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA